Fujimoto, Yuki.| Kojo, Toru.| McLerran, Larry D.
Momentum Shell in Quarkyonic Matter from Explicit Duality: A Dual Model for Cold, Dense QCD
Physical Review Letters
Fujita, Saneiki.Physical Review LettersNomura, Reika.| Moriguchi, Shuji.| Otake, Yu.| Koshimura, Shunichi.| LeVeque, Randall J.| Terada, Kenjiro
Optimization of a Tsunami Gauge Configuration for Pseudo-Super-Resolution of Wave Height Distribution
Earth and Space Science
Rabiller, Gratianne.| Ip, Zachary.| Zarrabian, Shahram.| Zhang, Hongxia.| Sato, Yoshimichi.| Yazdan-Shahmorad, Azadeh.| Liu, Jialing
Type-2 Diabetes Alters Hippocampal Neural Oscillations and Disrupts Synchrony between the Hippocampus and Cortex
Aging and Disease
Kaidi, Justin. | Ohmori, Kantaro.| Tachikawa, Yuji.| Yonekura, Kazuya
Nonsupersymmetric Heterotic Branes
Physical Review Letters
Zhao, Kun.| Janulaitis, Nida.| Rumptz, John R.| Campbell, Charles T.
Size-Dependent Energy and Adhesion of Pd Nanoparticles on Graphene on Ni(111) by Pd Vapor Adsorption Calorimetry
ACS Catalysis
Tozato, Kenta.| Moriguchi, Shuji.| Takase, Shinsuke.| Otake, Yu.| Motley, Michael R.| Suppasri, Anawat.| Terada, Kenjiro
Optimal probabilistic placement of facilities using a surrogate model for 3D tsunami simulations
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
Wise, Heather G.|Takana, Hidemasa.| Dichiara, Anthony B.
Dynamic Assembly of Strong and Conductive Carbon Nanotube/Nanocellulose Composite Filaments and Their Application in Resistive Liquid Sensing
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
Enomoto, Sanshiro.| Ueki, Kenta.| Iizuka, Tsuyoshi.| Takeuchi, Nozomu.|Tanaka, Akiko.| Watanabe, Hiroko.| Haraguchi, Satoru
Trace element abundance modeling with gamma distribution for quantitative balance calculations
Core-Mantle Coevolution: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Yamamoto, K.| Luces, J.V.S.| Shirasu, K.| Hoshikawa, Y.| Okabe, T.| Hirata, Y.
A novel single-stroke path planning algorithm for 3D printers using continuous carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics
Additive Manufacturing
Rim, D.| Baraldi, R.| Liu, C.M.| LeVeque, R.J.| Terada, K.
Tsunami Early Warning From Global Navigation Satellite System Data Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Geophysical Research Letters
Zhao, Y.| Kikugawa, G.| Kawagoe, Y.| Shirasu, K.| Okabe, T.
Molecular-scale investigation on relationship between thermal conductivity and the structure of crosslinked epoxy resin
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Deng, H.| Kawagoe, Y.| Abe, Y.| Terada, K.| Okabe, T.
Generalized coordinate smoothed particle hydrodynamics with an overset method in total Lagrangian formulation
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Kawagoe, Y.| Chino, R.| Tsuzuki, S.| Itoh, E.| Okabe, T.
Analyzing Stochastic Features in Airport Surface Traffic Flow Using Cellular Automaton: Tokyo International Airport
IEEE Access
Hoshikawa, Y.| Shirasu, K.| Yamamoto, K.| Hirata, Y.| Higuchi, R.| Okabe, T.
Open-hole tensile properties of 3D-printed continuous carbon-fiber-reinforced thermoplastic laminates: Experimental study and multiscale analysis
Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials
Shirasu, K.| Tsuyuki, J.| Higuchi, R.| Onodera, S.| Okabe, T.
Experimental and numerical study on open-hole tension/compression properties of carbon-fiber-reinforced thermoplastic laminates
Journal of Composite Materials
Oya, Y.| Kikugawa, G.| Okabe, T.| Kawakatsu, T.
Density Functional Theory for Polymer Phase Separations Induced by Coupling of Chemical Reaction and Elastic Stress
Advanced Theory and Simulations
Onodera, S.| Tsuyuki, J.| Okabe, T.
Micromechanical modeling for the in-plane mechanical behavior of orthogonal three-dimensional woven ceramic matrix composites with transverse and matrix cracking
International Journal of Damage Mechanics
Deng, H., Yan, B., Okabe, T.
Fatigue crack propagation simulation method using XFEM with variable-node element
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Shirasu, K., Mizutani, M., Takano, N., Yoshinaga, H., Oguri, T., Ogawa, K.-I., Okabe, T., Obayashi, S.
Lap-shear strength and fracture behavior of CFRP/3D-printed titanium alloy adhesive joint prepared by hot-press-aided co-bonding
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives
Kawagoe, Y., Kawai, K., Kumagai, Y., Shirasu, K., Kikugawa, G., Okabe, T.
Multiscale modeling of process-induced residual deformation on carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic laminate from quantum calculation to laminate scale finite-element analysis
Mechanics of Materials
Nagumo, Y., Onodera, S., Okabe, T.
Prediction of transverse crack progression based on continuum damage mechanics and its application to composite laminates and filament-wound cylindrical pressure vessels
Advanced Composite Materials
Deng, H., Yan, B., Okabe, T.
A new path-independent interaction integral for dynamic stress intensity factors of cracked structures
International Journal of Solids and Structures
Zhao, Y., Kikugawa, G., Kawagoe, Y., Shirasu, K., Kishimoto, N., Xi, Y., Okabe, T.
Uncovering the Mechanism of Size Effect on the Thermomechanical Properties of Highly Cross-Linked Epoxy Resins
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Yamamoto, T., Okabe, T., Terada, K.
Numerical simulation for deformation of laminates combining the novel shell element with the decoupled two-scale viscoelastic analysis of FRP
International Journal of Solids and Structures
Nomura, R., Fujita, S., Galbreath, J.M., Otake, Y., Moriguchi, S., Koshimura, S., LeVeque, R.J., Terada, K.
Sequential Bayesian Update to Detect the Most Likely Tsunami Scenario Using Observational Wave Sequences
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
Date, S., Abe, Y., Okabe, T.
Effects of fiber properties on aerodynamic performance and structural sizing of composite aircraft wings
Aerospace Science and Technology
Okuyama, J., Izumi, S.-I., Funakoshi, S., Seto, S., Sasaki, H., Ito, K., Imamura, F., Willgerodt, M., Fukuda, Y.
Supporting adolescents’ mental health during COVID-19 by utilising lessons from the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications
Nomura, R., Takase, S., Moriguchi, S., Terada, K. & LeVeque, R. J
Multiscale evaluation method of the drag effect on shallow water flow through coastal forests based on 3D numerical simulations
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Okuyama, J.| Izumi, S.-I.| Funakoshi, S.| Seto, S.| Sasaki, H.| Ito, K.| Imamura, F.| Willgerodt, M.| Fukuda, Y.
Supporting adolescents’ mental health during COVID-19 by utilising lessons from the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications
Date, S.| Abe, Y.| Okabe, T.
Effects of fiber properties on aerodynamic performance and structural sizing of composite aircraft wings
Aerospace Science and Technology
Nomura, R.| Fujita, S.| Galbreath, J.M.| Otake, Y.| Moriguchi, S.| Koshimura, S.| LeVeque, R.J.| Terada, K.
Sequential Bayesian Update to Detect the Most Likely Tsunami Scenario Using Observational Wave Sequences
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
Yamamoto, T.| Okabe, T.| Terada, K.
Numerical simulation for deformation of laminates combining the novel shell element with the decoupled two-scale viscoelastic analysis of FRP
International Journal of Solids and Structures
Zhao, Y.| Kikugawa, G.| Kawagoe, Y.| Shirasu, K.| Kishimoto, N.| Xi, Y.| Okabe, T.
Uncovering the Mechanism of Size Effect on the Thermomechanical Properties of Highly Cross-Linked Epoxy Resins
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Deng, H.| Yan, B.| Okabe, T.
A new path-independent interaction integral for dynamic stress intensity factors of cracked structures
International Journal of Solids and Structures
Nagumo, Y.| Onodera, S.| Okabe, T.
Prediction of transverse crack progression based on continuum damage mechanics and its application to composite laminates and filament-wound cylindrical pressure vessels
Advanced Composite Materials
Kawagoe, Y.| Kawai, K.| Kumagai, Y.| Shirasu, K.| Kikugawa, G.| Okabe, T.
Multiscale modeling of process-induced residual deformation on carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic laminate from quantum calculation to laminate scale finite-element analysis
Mechanics of Materials
Shirasu, K.| Mizutani, M.| Takano, N.| Yoshinaga, H.| Oguri, T.| Ogawa, K.-I.| Okabe, T.| Obayashi, S.
Lap-shear strength and fracture behavior of CFRP/3D-printed titanium alloy adhesive joint prepared by hot-press-aided co-bonding
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives
Deng, H.| Yan, B.| Okabe, T.
Fatigue crack propagation simulation method using XFEM with variable-node element
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Onodera, S.| Tsuyuki, J.| Okabe, T.
Micromechanical modeling for the in-plane mechanical behavior of orthogonal three-dimensional woven ceramic matrix composites with transverse and matrix cracking
International Journal of Damage Mechanics
Oya, Y.| Kikugawa, G.| Okabe, T.| Kawakatsu, T.
Density Functional Theory for Polymer Phase Separations Induced by Coupling of Chemical Reaction and Elastic Stress
Advanced Theory and Simulations
Shirasu, K.| Tsuyuki, J.| Higuchi, R.| Onodera, S.| Okabe, T.
Experimental and numerical study on open-hole tension/compression properties of carbon-fiber-reinforced thermoplastic laminates
Journal of Composite Materials
Hoshikawa, Y.| Shirasu, K.| Yamamoto, K.| Hirata, Y.| Higuchi, R.| Okabe, T.
Open-hole tensile properties of 3D-printed continuous carbon-fiber-reinforced thermoplastic laminates: Experimental study and multiscale analysis
Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials
Kawagoe, Y.| Chino, R.| Tsuzuki, S.| Itoh, E.| Okabe, T.
Analyzing Stochastic Features in Airport Surface Traffic Flow Using Cellular Automaton: Tokyo International Airport
IEEE Access
Deng, H.| Kawagoe, Y.| Abe, Y.| Terada, K.| Okabe, T.
Generalized coordinate smoothed particle hydrodynamics with an overset method in total Lagrangian formulation
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Zhao, Y.| Kikugawa, G.| Kawagoe, Y.| Shirasu, K.| Okabe, T.
Molecular-scale investigation on relationship between thermal conductivity and the structure of crosslinked epoxy resin
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Rim, D.| Baraldi, R.| Liu, C.M.| LeVeque, R.J.| Terada, K.
Tsunami Early Warning From Global Navigation Satellite System Data Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Geophysical Research Letters
Yamamoto, K.| Luces, J.V.S.| Shirasu, K.| Hoshikawa, Y.| Okabe, T.| Hirata, Y.
A novel single-stroke path planning algorithm for 3D printers using continuous carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics
Additive Manufacturing
Nobuyuki Odagiri, Keiichi Shirasu, Yoshiaki Kawagoe, Gota Kikugawa, Yutaka Oya, Naoki Kishimoto, Fumio S. Ohuchi, Tomonaga Okabe
Amine/epoxy stoichiometric ratio dependence of crosslinked structure and ductility in amine-cured epoxy thermosetting resins
Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Miku Ohkura, Hidemasa Takana, Fumio S. Ohuchi, Rei Furukawa
Fabrication of liquid-core fiber-optic structure for large-area CO2 sensing using ionic liquids
Journal of Fluid Science and Technology
Yutaka Oya, Masahiro Nakazawa, Keiichi Shirasu, Yuki Hino, Kyosuke Inuyama, Gota Kikugawa, Jing Li, Riichi Kuwahara, Naoki Kishimoto, Hiroki Waizumi, Masaaki Nishikawa, Anthony Waas, Nobuyuki Odagiri, Andrew Koyanagi, Marco Salviato, Tomonaga Okabe
Molecular dynamics simulation of cross-linking processes and material properties for epoxy resins using first-principle calculation combined with global reaction route mapping algorithms
Chemical Physics Letters
Rikki Tanaka, Takuya Mabuchi, Yushi Zang, Bruce Hinds, Takashi Tokumasu
Molecular Dynamics Study of Proton Conductivity at an Interface between Nafion and Graphene Sheet
240th ECS Meeting – Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers 21 (PEFC and E 21)
Alicia Y.E. Ahn, Hiroki Takikawa, Elizabeth Maly, Ann Bostrom, Shinichi Kuriyama, Hiroko Matsubara, Takako Izumi, Tetsuya Torayashiki, Fumihiko Imamura
Perception of earthquake risks and disaster prevention awareness: A comparison of resident surveys in Sendai, Japan and Seattle, WA, USA
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
Jorge León, Erick Mas, Patricio A Catalán, Luis Moya, Alejandra Gubler, Shunichi Koshimura and Rodrigo Cienfuegos
Development of calibrated tsunami evacuation models through real-world collected data: a case study of Coquimbo-La Serena, Chile.
12th Aceh International Workshop and Expo on Sustainable Tsunami disaster recovery (AIWEST)
Naoko Kuriyama, Elizabeth Maly, Jorge Leon, Daniel Abramson, Lan T. Nguyen and Ann Bostrom
Towards a Comparative Framework of Adaptive Planning and Anticipatory Action Regimes in Chile, Japan, and the US: an Exploration of Multiple Contexts Informing Tsunami Risk-Based Planning and Relocation
J. Disaster Res|Dr15-7-10835
Elizabeth Maly, Kenjiro Terada, Randall J. LeVeque, Naoko Kuriyama, Daniel B. Abramson, Lan T. Nguyen, Ann Bostrom, Jorge León, Michael Motley, Patricio A. Catalan, Shunichi Koshimur, Shuji Moriguchi, Yuya Yamaguchi, Carrie Garrison-Laney, Anawat Suppasri, and Erick Mas
Advances of International Collaboration on M9 Disaster Science: Scientific Session Report
J. Disaster Res|Vol.15, No.7, pp. 890-899
Go Yamamoto,Keita Koizumi,Takahiro Nakamura,Noriyuki Hirano,Tomonaga Okabe
H.G. Wise, H. Takana, F. Ohuchi, A.B. Dichiara
D.J. Anderson, H.-F. Chung, C.A. Seib, A.J. Dobson, D. Kuh, E.J. Brunner, S.L. Crawford, N.E. Avis, E.B. Gold, G.A. Greendale, E.S. Mitchell, N.F. Woods, T. Yoshizawa, G.D. Mishra
J.-W. He, G. Rabiller, Y. Nishijima, Y. Akamatsu, K. Khateeb, A. Yazdan-Shahmorad, J. Liu
Y. Endo, M. Halabisky, L.M. Moskal, S. Koshimura
T. Stalder, B. Cornwell, J. Lacroix, B. Kohler, S. Dixon, H. Yano, B. Kerr, L.J. Forney, E.M. Top
T. Kotani, K. Tozato, S. Takase, S. Moriguchi, K. Terada, Y. Fukutani, Y. Otake, K. Nojima, M. Sakuraba, Y. Choe
“K. Kuriya, K. Ochiai, G. Kalita, M. Tanemura, A. Komiya, G. Kikugawa, T. Ohara, I. Yamashita, F.S. Ohuchi, M. Meyyappan, S. Samukawa, K. Washio, T. Okada”
Sota Onodera, Tomonaga Okabe
R. Higuchi, S. Warabi, W. Ishibashi, T. Okabe
Huang, Yue; Zhang, Jingtian; Jiang, Edwin; Oya, Yutaka; Saeki, Akinori; Kikugawa, Gota; Okabe, Tomonaga ; Ohuchi, Fumio
R. Higuchi, R. Aoki, T. Yokozeki and T. Okabe
Yuta Kumagai, Sota Onodera, Marco Salviato and Tomonaga Okabe
Yutaka Oya, Tsubasa Matsumiya, Akira Ito, Ryosuke Matsuzaki and Tomonaga Okabe
B.S. Gerwe, K. Mizuno, O. Sekizawa, K. Nitta, K. Amezawa, S.B. Adler
Y. Dunneram, H.-F. Chung, J.E. Cade, D.C. Greenwood, A.J. Dobson, E.S. Mitchell, N.F. Woods, E.J. Brunner, T. Yoshizawa, D. Anderson, G.D. Mishra
T. Okada, G. Kalita, M. Tanemura, I. Yamashita, F.S. Ouchi, M. Meyyappan, S. Samukawa
A.E. Shimabukuro, A. Ishii, H. Takamura, F.S. Ohuchi
S. Yashiro, D. Nakashima, Y. Oya, T. Okabe, R. Matsuzaki
H. Yasuda, Y. Miyazawa, E.G. Charalampidis, C. Chong, P.G. Kevrekidis, J. Yang
A.E. Shimabukuro, A. Ishii, I. Oikawa, Y. Yamazaki, M. Imura, T. Kanai, F.S. Ohuchi, H. Takamura
Jimin Qian, Nam Phuong Nguyen, Yutaka Oya, Gota Kikugawa, Tomonaga Okabe, Yue Huang and Fumio S. Ohuchi
Sota Onodera and Tomonaga Okabe
Gota Kikugawa, Yuta Nishimura, Koji Shimoyama, Taku Ohara, Tomonaga Okabe, Fumio Ohuchi
Go Yamamoto, Miho Onodera, Keita Koizumi, Jun Watanabe, Haruki Okuda, Fumihiko Tanaka, and Tomonaga Okabe
Shigeki Yashiro, Daichi Nakashima, Yutaka Oya, Tomonaga Okabe, Ryosuke Matsuzaki
Ryosuke Matsuzaki, Tomohiro Ishikawa, Tomonaga Okabe, Yutaka Oya, Shigeki Yashiro
Jing li, Sakamoto Jumpei, Hiroki Waizumi, Yutaka Oya, Yue Huang, Naoki Kishimoto, Tomonaga Okabe
Go Yamamoto and Tomonaga Okabe
D.D. Arola, X. Li, C. Luscombe, F. Ohuchi, T. Okabe, M. Salviato
A Vision for the Next Generation Composites
33rd Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites 2018|1, pp. 209-219.
H. -F. Chung, N. Pandeya, A.J. Dobson, D. Kuh, E.J. Brunner, S.L. Crawford, N.E. Avis, E.B. Gold, E.S. Mitchell, N.F. Woods, J.T. Bromberger, R.C. Thurston, H. Joffe, T. Yoshizawa, D. Anderson, G.D. Mishra